These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The maximum length of a fairy light strand is 32 blocks. From then you right click on another side of a block, or an existing fastener, to complete the connection. Right click the hanging lights, garland, or bunting on the side of a block, or an existing fastener to place a fastener, now there will be a connection from the fastener to you. Here are some example pennant bunting recipes. Pennant bunting is made by first crafting pennants that can be any dye color. The red dye in the light recipes can be any dye. Here are the light recipes and some example hanging lights recipes. The hanging lights item will only show the first four light colors, but the most lights that can be crafted is eight by placing a hanging lights in a crafting table with eight lights. If string is used there will be slack in the connection and if a stick is used the connection will be straight. If glowstone is included the hanging lights will twinkle. There are also 4 spooky lights, spider light, ghost light, jack o’lantern, skull light, witch light, snowflake light, icicle light, and meteor light.įairy lights are crafted by a horizontal combination of iron ingot, string or stick, iron ingot, along with any combination of lights to specify a pattern (left-right, top-down). Lights come in six standard variants, fairy light, paper lantern, orb lantern, flower light, ornate lantern, and oil lantern. In order to craft hanging lights you first must craft the lights.